
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Unique Indonesia Photos Rempo First - Dutch East Indies era

pak pos pengantar surat indonesia tempo dulu
We live in the era of modern paced Yang Yang presents a wide range of technology easier What We're In, activity day today, We Can Go Where Others Easily WITH kilograms WITH a wide range of vehicles, we can communicate with people without having to meet WITH more and direct increasingly sophisticated mobile phones, cheap still buanyak again.

Now think about what kind of situation in Indonesia so long ago when it was once the Dutch East Indies Government, aka Company first time. We present below some photos of a unique past Indonesia Yang sourced from, enjoy.

topeng monyet indonesia tempo dulu
Indonesian monkey mask the past
sekolah menengah kartini  jakarta  tempo dulu tahun 1950 an
Kartini Jakarta high school past the 1950's

sekolah kartini tempo dulu malang jawa timur 1930

rumah sakit umum jakarta tempo dulu
general hospital jakarta tempo
Polisi lalu linta jaman tempo dulu  indonesia
Traffic police earlier times Indonesia
pak pos pengantar surat indonesia tempo dulu
Indonesia postal letter carriers pack the past
mobil kebakaran indonesia tempo dulu tahun 1938
Indonesian fires car past the year 1938
minuman beer tempo dulu
drink beer past
masjid demak jaman hindia belanda tempo dulu
Dutch East Indies era mosque demak past

jembatan serayu wonosobo tempo dulu indonesia
Serayu bridge past Wonosobo Indonesia

atraksi pit sepeda kebo indonesia tempo dulu
attractions pit bike past kebo Indonesia

aparat penegak hukum jaman kompeniera of law enforcement officers of the Company

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